Collection Agencies
Professional Collection Agencies
When your business is owed money on outstanding payments by clients, it is wise to handle initial demands for payment internally, but when further action is needed it is best to use a professional collection agency. Collection agencies offer the advantage of having professionals who are experienced in collecting debts doing the legwork for you, and collection agents who have previously handled many collection endeavors will have had time to formulate a clear idea of which methods work best.
Services Offered by Collection Agencies
Depending on your collection agency, you may be able to take advantage of a number of different services, in addition to the simple collection of late payments. Your collection agency should be able to collect money for other debts too, such as bad checks, and may offer account receivable factoring as well, whereby you sell the entire debt to your collection agency rather than attempt to have the money recovered yourself. Your collection agency may also offer litigation services should a lawsuit prove necessary.
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