Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Collection Agent

What can a Collection Agent Offer?

A collection agent is a professional who focuses on collecting outstanding debts on behalf of clients. Collection agents’ services can be useful for businesses when account holders are late in settling outstanding debts, as a collection agent can offer face-to-face contact with a debtor which often precipitates speedy payment. Simply writing threatening letters to debtors is seldom effective, usually serving only to alienate the debtor further. Debtors who speak another language will often use the fact that demand letters are not written in their native tongues as an excuse for non-payment.

Entrust Debt Recovery to a Collection Agent

It makes sense to entrust debt recovery processes to a collection agent, as a professional will know which methods are most effective and should have had sufficient experience to hone his or her craft. Debt collectors can collect on bad checks as well as account payments, and may also offer litigation services should a lawsuit against the debtor prove necessary at a later stage. It is possible to find a collection agent who only requires payment on successful collection, in the form of a fixed percentage of the funds recovered.