Receivable Debt Management Services


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Receivable Debt Management Services

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Receivable Debt Management ServicesReceivable Debt Management Services
How can you collect in my area? I see you're in Illinois.

We're worldwide, all of North America as well as internationally. Today almost all agencies work nationally. Our difference is your debtor is immediately contacted by collection professionals. Our method uniquely bypasses traditional processes and shows your claim really must be listened to.
Can you handle bad checks/judgments/old debts/
personal debts?

A bad check is a bad debt, it is even evidence of fraud and is often more collectible than a sales invoice. We take accounts of any age and size. Why not send your problem accounts to us today?
Let me tell you my situation, can you handle...?

Thank you for connecting with us. Your situation is not any different from others we have worked, however, be aware that we never know if a debt is or is not collectible unless or until we can process it. It costs you nothing to find out.
Are your rates the same for all debts processed?

No! Commercial rates are always lower than non-commercial. That is explained in our Starter Kit and in our Agreement. Generally, you'll find our rates are less than rates charged by traditional agencies. Most important, we consistently make personal, professional contacts on your debtor(s).
Are you bonded? How do I know you won't collect
and keep my money?

We've operated nationwide since 1963, and we're licensed and bonded.
What is your ratio of recovery?

Not the best question! The real question should be: Of funds you recover, what percent are collected in 45 days? The reason for changing your question is that any agency's (Authoritative Third Party) ability to collect is basically dependent on how well you, the creditor, have done your job. If your information is outdated, and your claim is old and poorly worked, our job is made more difficult. Happily, we can report that 62% of all funds collected are in Customer's bank within 45 days. Part of our service is to help you improve your in-house collections.
How fast will you sue?

Please, recognize that our program is designed to collect without suit. Suit is available at your discretion, but our program is a pre-litigation series of personal contacts directed upon your debtor. It is the speed and intensity of these professional, personal contacts that gets the results we both desire.
How will I know what you're doing?

We provide monthly status reports. In addition, you'll have toll-free access to the one person that's handling your work.
What will it cost me if you don't collect?

Our fee is based only on collection. There is no fee if we fail and your costs for our recovery are exactly and only those quoted in our Agreement. There are NO advance fees. NO binding agreements. You pay only our low fee if we collect. There is no other charge, unless you elect to sue.
So, you just write letters?

No! We're not a letter writer. Our program is vigorous personal contact by a collection professional seeking recovery on your behalf. Letters do have their place, but in general, they are ineffective. And, the time lost while waiting for a letter series to conclude serves only to make any debt harder to collect.

Receivable Debt Management Services

Invoice FactoringCommercial CollectionDebt Collection
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